As lifelong music lovers, both of us here at Radioshop Pickups are extremely proud that the pickups we make play a part in helping so many people to make music. On this list you’ll find not just guitarists who are well known but those who we’d like to help spread the word on too. If you have our pickups in your guitar and would like us to share your music below and on our social media pages, please just get in touch. We’d love to hear your music and help you in any way we can to get it to a wider audience.

Chris Buck
Buck & Evans, Friday Fretworks (YouTube)
Pickups: ID:Chris Buck Strat, The Radioshop PAF, Vintage ’63 Strat, RadioTron
The recipient of our first signature set of pickups, Chris Buck is an extraordinary talent who we’ve enjoyed a long association with. As a winner of Total Guitar’s Best Young Guitarist in the World award for 2017, member of and songwriter for Buck and Evans and the talent behind YouTube’s ‘Friday Fretworks’ guitar video series, Chris is certainly a talent to watch for the future.
Check him out: You can hear and enjoy Chris’ sublimely entertaining and tasteful guitar playing via this link to his YouTube Channel ‘Buck and Evans’.

Justin Sandercoe
JustinGuitar Channel (YouTube)
Pickups: Radioshop PAF, ID:Chris Buck Strat, RadioTron
We are immensely proud to work with legendary online guitar teacher Justin Sandercoe. Justin spec’ed a trio of Radioshop pickups for his stunning custom Emperor build from Gray Guitars earlier this year and had this to say about them: “So glad that Tom convinced me to put Radioshop Pickups in my guitar … They sound great and that’s what counts!”
Check him out: You can enjoy Justin’s full review video of his Radioshop loaded Emperor here and his hugely popular YouTube tuition channel here.

Andy Martin
Reverb, AndyDemos Channel (YouTube)
Pickups: Radioshop Classic P90 Pickup Set
As long time fans of his playing and videos for Pro Guitar Shop it gives us huge pleasure to see a player of Andy’s calibre enjoying our Classic P90 Set in his Custom guitar from Gray Guitars. More info and videos coming soon.
Check him out: You can enjoy Andy’s popular gear demos on his YouTube channel here and his videos for Reverb here

Mark Bradley
Mike Bradley Channel (YouTube)
Pickups: ID:Mike Bradley Signature Strat (Under development)
We are very proud to announce that we are currently working very closely with Mike to develop a signature Strat Pickups that’ll breathe new life into the green Strat which fans of his YouTube show will be more than familiar with seeing in action. A master of many styles of guitar playing, Mike’s hugely entertaining videos go through gear reviews, lessons and much much more.
Check him out: You can enjoy Mike’s videos here and whilst we’re perfecting his signature set, you can hear the tones from the Mk1 version here.

Muddy Manninen
Wishbone Ash, Hipkiss
Pickups: The Radioshop PAF Set, Classic P90
“Hi guys! Got the pickup today, soldered it in and out the window goes the previous one. Your pickup sounds killer!”
Check him out:

George Jones
Son of Man, Scotch Corner
Pickups: The Radioshop PAF Set
“Amazing work you guys. Brought that guitar back to life – it’s sounded absolutely incredible tonight!”
Check him out: Son of Man Facebook

Michael Boner
Moes Anthill
Pickups: ID: Chris Buck Strat
“Hi guys! Got the pickup today,We’re very proud to hear the sounds of our ID:Chris Buck Strat Pickups featured in the music of Swiss alternative folk act Moes Anthill via their guitarist Michael Boner. We absolutely loved their video for ‘Finding Stones’ which they were kind enough to let us share in our Radioshop Revue No. 11 video which you can watch here. Vielen dank, Michael und Moes Anthill!
Check them out:

James Oliver
The James Oliver Band
Pickups: The Radioshop PAF
“Amazing“Thank you so much guys, my slide guitar sounds absolutely fantastic now. A sound I know I can rely on night after night on the road!”
Check him out: The James Oliver Band Facebook

Ben Saunders
Blackjack Zero
Pickups: ID:Evolution Strat
“Sounds meaty as f***! Those Evos sound class in a Strat – thanks so much guys!”
Check him out: Blackjack Zero Facebook

John Campell
Are you experienced?
Pickups: Vintage ’63 Strat Specials
“Amazing wor“The sound I’ve been after for a very long time. Thanks for helping get the sound that was in my head guys! Good luck!”
Check him out: Are you experienced? Facebook

Yann Gutter
Pickups: ID:Chris Buck Strat, Classic P90
A twice contributor to our Radioshop Revue YouTube show, we’d like to thank French artist Yann and his band Branson for allowing us to feature their songs ‘Jimi’s Shadow’ and ‘Over and Over’ on our show, the full videos of which you can enjoy by clicking on the song titles. Merci bien, Yann et amis!
Check him out: Branson Facebook