About Us
Radioshop Pickups is a small, two man operation with a passion for all things guitar and a determination to do things right. We have a combined experience of over 50 years of playing and setting up guitars. Inspired by the past, but hoping to bring some originality to the future of guitar tone, we are determined to give our fellow guitarists the best tone possible for their guitars.

We have taken an uncompromising, methodical approach to all aspects of our pickups’ winding and construction to give you, the guitarist, the finest tone possible. The quality of tone that we have developed is the result of two inquisitive minds and hundreds of hours spent winding prototype pickups so we could understand every aspect of our winding. We have analysed what would have gone into classic pickups with the aim of giving ours the most authentic tone possible. At every stage, players’ opinions have been sought and their feedback has influenced the development of subsequent pickups. The praise we’ve received from players of our pickups has been overwhelming and has meant that our services have gone from being in high demand locally through to national recognition and today proudly being sent to guitarists in all corners of the world.
We hope that you will agree with our current players and be delighted with the quality of tone that our pickups offer.
Tone Clips
Many of our Tone Clips were recorded by the superb Joey Pearson of South Wales based band JPThree. The tone clips were recorded with the aim of showing off the pure tone of our pickups and do not feature any effects whatsoever. In each tone clip, the first minute or so is through a clean, Vyse Amps’ Royale 20w Blackface recreation amp and the second minute shows off the pickups driven harder through an Orange Valve Head. In each instance, Joey began on the neck pickup and worked through the pickup selections to the bridge pickup. Please keep an eye on our Media page for a video series of Joey putting our pickups through their paces as well as some comparison videos which are coming soon.